Waterloo Business Park
The Waterloo Business Park site is at the Western edge of Christchurch; 10km to Christchurch airport, 25km from The Port of Lyttleton, and 14km from the Western CBD fringe. There is easy connection to State Highway 1 (Main South Road). The site benefits from a great strategic location, and from a great setting at the very edge of the Christchurch urban area, enabling ongoing visual connection to the rural hinterland to the West, on the opposite side of Pound Road.
For Lease
- Currently non available
Contact: Senior Asset Manager
Julie Sarten
Mob: +64 21 770086
419 Church Street East ,
Penrose 1061
Email: propertymanager@southparkcorp.co.nz
Phone: +64 9 579 1187
Mobile: 021 770 086